The Scandal of the Cross
The Scandal of the Cross
Article by Greg Pinkner
The passage of 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16 is often summarized by theologians as “the scandal of the Cross.” “Scandal?,” some might ask, “isn’t it the Glory of God?” Two things can be true at once.
Modern objections of Christianity and Christianity’s tenets are founded in not understanding the scope of what the Cross did and what it means. Many modern theologians object to the notion that the Cross could be the instrument of a God filled with wrath at sin and its commissioners. Furthermore, many Christians are unable to reconcile the idea of Hell and the God they are told loves them; the One that showered them with grace and mercy.
But that is not the Scandal of the Cross.
The Scandal of the Cross is not that there are those that will be judged and condemned.
The Scandal of the Cross is that there are those that will not.
It is salvation that is the scandal, not damnation.
Modern objections of Christianity and Christianity’s tenets are founded in not understanding the scope of what the Cross did and what it means. Many modern theologians object to the notion that the Cross could be the instrument of a God filled with wrath at sin and its commissioners. Furthermore, many Christians are unable to reconcile the idea of Hell and the God they are told loves them; the One that showered them with grace and mercy.
But that is not the Scandal of the Cross.
The Scandal of the Cross is not that there are those that will be judged and condemned.
The Scandal of the Cross is that there are those that will not.
It is salvation that is the scandal, not damnation.
The scandal is not how the unrighteous will be treated as the unrighteous but rather that the unrighteous will be treated as saints. While in sin, we were slaves but will be treated not only as children but also as heirs to the Kingdom of God (Gal 4:7).
For those in Christ will not scream in fear when they see God but rather hold up our arms and say “Daddy” (Gal 4:6). While we were haters and enemies of God, He died for us (Romans 1 and 5).
How can the “children of the devil” (John 8:44) possibly be the “children of God?”
By the power of God unleashed in the Cross.
By the Judge becoming numbered with the condemned.
By the Creator taking the curse He pronounced on all sinners onto Himself and bearing the weight of the wrath of God.
There is only one person ‘worthy’ in the discussions around the topic of the Cross and wrath, sin and judgment, condemnation and salvation.
It’s the One on the Cross. Not the one before it on their knees.
Dying for their sins, He calls them brothers and sisters, tells them He is going to make a place for them; tells them there are rooms in His Father’s house that are being made ready for them.
How can the “children of the devil” (John 8:44) possibly be the “children of God?”
By the power of God unleashed in the Cross.
By the Judge becoming numbered with the condemned.
By the Creator taking the curse He pronounced on all sinners onto Himself and bearing the weight of the wrath of God.
There is only one person ‘worthy’ in the discussions around the topic of the Cross and wrath, sin and judgment, condemnation and salvation.
It’s the One on the Cross. Not the one before it on their knees.
Dying for their sins, He calls them brothers and sisters, tells them He is going to make a place for them; tells them there are rooms in His Father’s house that are being made ready for them.

Lead Teaching Pastor