
Fellowship Adults

First Steps

Discover Fellowship

Attend Discover Fellowship for a deeper understanding of who we are, how God is moving among us, and how you can join the mission He has given us. It is a 60-minute session designed to give an overview of our story, culture, core values, and membership process.

New Person Connect

If you are new to Fellowship and hoping to learn more about ways to connect and grow, this is for you! Join us for a chance to connect with others, meet members of our team, and learn more about our heart for community and growth.
Sunday, April 13 at 12:15pm
Room 601

Trellis Nights

Jesus said, "Follow me." At Trellis Nights, we will take our next steps together toward following Him. Our evenings are focused on a practice of spiritual formation. We eat, worship, and learn experientially as we seek to close the gap between what we believe and who we are becoming in Christ.

Next Steps


Fellowship Women's Ministry seeks to connect women with each other and create communities where they can experience the transforming grace of the gospel. Join us as we gather around the table for Sunday morning gatherings, weekly studies, and other events throughout the year all aimed at equipping you to deepen your faith and extend Christ's love to those around you.


Fellowship Men's Ministry gives men an opportunity to build biblical friendships with other men as well as grapple with biblical answers to life’s challenges. Join us as we seek to connect and deepen our faith in Christ through gatherings, weekly studies, prayer groups, and opportunities to serve our neighbors. 

Life Groups

Life Groups are community-based groups with the goal of cultivating Gospel-centered relationships as we grow as new people, in a new family, on a new mission. Join us as we seek to walk through life together and pursue Christ in the rhythms and routines of our everyday lives.

Spiritual Formation / Trellis

The Trellis invites you to join us on a journey of spiritual formation — actively pursuing the formation of your whole self (heart, soul, mind, and strength)  into the likeness of Jesus. Join us as we consider how truth, practices, community, and the Holy Spirit can help shape us as we discern the next steps prepared for us by His grace.

Community Groups

Community Groups are on-site disciple-making groups designed to create strong relationships and take people deeper into the Word, prayer, and service. Primarily gathering on Sunday morning, these groups serve individuals in various seasons of life seeking to know Jesus deeply.

Marriage & Family

Fellowship's Marriage & Family Ministry partners with families as they reflect the gospel in their homes and throughout the community. 


Our Care Ministry aims to point the church to full dependence on Christ for emotional health, growth in relationship, and healing.

Prayer Room

Join us in the Prayer Room where we long to intercede for our church, families, community, and the world.

Still Not Sure Where to Connect?

Check out these additional links, or email Krista at