A college-aged community pursuing life-long transformation in Christ together.

Upcoming Events


Join us on Tuesdays to meet community, worship, and dig into Scripture together.  Park in Fellowship's front, middle lot that's found directly across from Middlebrook Pike and enter where you see the CollegeLife flag.

April 1 & 15
May 6

7:15pm | The Foundry

Blind Day Trip

    Register below to be whisked away on a surprise all-day adventure with fellow CollegeLife friends. All you have to do is show up on Saturday morning ready to go with the flow. We'll tell you what to wear & how to dress, but the location & activities will be kept secret. There'll be different kinds of fun for all kinds of people! You don’t want to miss this grand opportunity!

April 26 

College Life Summer Study

Whether you live in Knoxville year-round or are just returning for the summer months, all college-aged friends are invited to join us for a casual summer Bible study! We'll be meeting weekly on most Tuesdays in June/July at Fellowship Church. We'll have fun together, make summer friendships, and dive into Scripture together.  Fill out the interest form below if you'd like more information closer in!

Who We Are

For the Gospel.
For the Church.
For the Campus.
For the Kingdom.

Stay Connected

You can stay up to date with our ministry by following us on Social Media or listening to our podcast. Instagram is one of the best ways to stay connected with what's going on in our ministry. Our Podcast exists to help establish and equip college students as disciples of Jesus. Our podcast will have teachings, interviews with other college leaders, and more. We also have a Spotify playlist for those in search of a good worship playlist. 

College Life

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. fill our this form and one of our staff will reach out.