
Fellowship Stories

We all have a story to tell. From stories of sorrow and defeat to stories of healing and redemption—God is continuously at work. When we step out to share our struggles, victories, or even the seemingly uninspiring pieces of our lives, we become a part of each other's stories.

The Edens

“This is the church on display and God's love bursting through.”

After a devastating house fire, the Eden's Life Group helped them rebuild their lives from the ground up. 

Dave Drum

“We were hearing about this guy named Jesus and how he wants us to be in His life.”

After years of trying to be good enough in work, marriage, and life, Dave met Jesus.

Stan & Tamera Johnson

“Grace was the reason we came here.”

Stan and Tamera share their experience of life-changing grace with new family in Nicaragua.

Asher Watson

“I think sending kids food and telling them about Jesus is the most and very critical thing for their lives.”

Through Asher's child-like faith, he impacted others worlds away.

Lily Allen

“I lived most of my life under that thought—I am difficult to love. I have to fit into what everyone else needs me to be, and it felt really hopeless.”

Lily's idea of community changes after finally understanding how God sees her.

Ty & Sarah Pattison

"A lifetime of depending on God is just learning to come to Him faster, sooner, and first."

Ty and Sarah Pattison have walked through many storms in their lives. Time and time again, they were left with only Jesus. 

Tiffany Littleton

" identity is in Christ—not in shame or guilt."

Tiffany found fullness in Christ after so many other things failed her and left her empty.