
Take Your
Next Step
of Faith
with Jesus

Sunday Morning Services

9:15 & 11:00am

Welcome to Fellowship Church

The gospel of Jesus fuels everything we do at Fellowship Church. By believing and trusting Jesus, He begins to renew everything in your life. He makes you a new person, places you in a new family, and sends you on a new mission.

This Week's Sermon

Featured Events

"Jesus &" Sermon Series
Gender Identity. Abortion. Sexuality. Politics. Social Justice. These words stir a range of emotions and convictions, reflecting our deeply confused cultural moment. We believe the message and mercy of Jesus speaks a better word into these issues, offering truth, freedom, and hope. These topics are personal, affecting our families and friends, and as followers of Jesus, we strive to speak the truth in love. Join us for our sermon series “Jesus &” starting August 4, where we will address one cultural issue each week through the lens of Jesus. Please pray for this series, for the voice of Jesus to be the loudest, for Greg and RD as they prepare, for our staff as they support those who need pastoral care, and for a sense of freedom as God's truth goes forth.

8.4 | The Kingdom of God
8.11 | Jesus & Politics
8.18 | Jesus & Abortion (PG-13)
8.25 | Jesus & Gender (PG-13)
9.8 | Jesus & LGBTQ (PG-13)
9.15 | Jesus & Justice
August Trellis Night
Join us as we explore what it looks like to actively seek God's Kingdom in our everyday lives. Scripture tells us in Ephesians 2 that we are "his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." We are HIS workmanship, and HE has a plan us! Let's come together and examine how we might deepen our awareness of where He is calling us to move and share His love with those around us.

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Discover Fellowship
August 11  |  11:00am  |  Conference Center

We would love for you to join us for our next Discover Fellowship class to better understand who we are, what we believe, and how to be a part of our spiritual community. During our time together, you will learn about our vision for disciple-making, investing in the next generation, and our culture. You will also have the opportunity to explore next steps for membership.

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Marriage Innovators
Begins August 11  |  9:15am  |  Room 605

Foundations provides a Biblically-grounded overview of how to build and sustain a lifelong, strong marriage. Research-based information is included to emphasize what makes marriages succeed or fail, skills and behaviors that build strong bonds and keep love alive, and how to avoid falling out of love and hope. This seven-week class is for dating, married, and engaged couples.

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