
Welcome to Fellowship

sunday services

9:15am & 11:00am

Made New in Christ

At Fellowship Church, we are invited into the renewal and restoration of all things through the gospel of Jesus. He transforms our lives, draws us into His family, and sends us out to embody His love in the world. Together, we walk in the way of Jesus—living out His Kingdom.

This Week's Sermon

Featured Events

New Person Connect
February 16  |  After 2nd service  |  Room 601

If you are new to Fellowship and hoping to learn more about ways to connect and grow, this is for you.

Join us in room 601 for a chance to connect with others, meet members of our team, and learn more about our heart for community and growth.

No registration required. Light snacks and beverages will be available. If you have kids in Kids Ministry, please pick them up before attending.
Parenting Foundations
Begins February 16  |  4:00pm

Parenting Foundations is designed to equip parents with a way to think around God’s design for parenting.

This three-week workshop, taught by Rebekah Wilson, will explore foundational principles and practical tools which provide a framework so parents can consider what it looks like to parent in their own unique ways yet guided by biblical truth.

The cost is $50 per person.

Registration >>
Care Groups
We all experience difficult seasons in our lives and we offer multiple Care Groups to walk with you. God uses each season to shape us in distinct ways, and He designed the church to be the community we need around us during these times. All of us are dependent on Christ for our emotional health, growth for our relationships, and healing.

More Information >>

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