
Posts with the category “articles”

The Gospel is for Christians
October 26th, 2022
Article by Brian Hughes  “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him”– Colossians 2:6 When it comes to life with Jesus, Christians are quick to confess their salvation is wrought...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Quick to Listen & Slow to Speak
June 8th, 2022
Our God is a God who speaks. And this God has made it clear to us that words matter and our tongues have power (James 3:1-12). Over and over in the scriptures, both old and new, we see the exhortation...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Martha, Habakkuk, and the Reward of Grief
June 1st, 2022
As I have wrestled with the concept of grief and my own grieving process, two people have challenged me — Martha and Habakkuk. They are two individuals in the Bible who don't get much mention. So, why...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
A Voice is Heard in Uvalde
May 25th, 2022
A voice is heard in Uvalde, lamentation and bitter weeping.Mothers weeping for their children, refusing to be comforted,Because they are no more.”Yesterday, I went to visit my girls, both in 2nd grade...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
The Servants Knew
May 18th, 2022
I first fell in love with the blues because of Stevie Ray Vaughn’s second appearance on Austin City Limits. I didn’t know that level of virtuosity existed. Shortly after that, I bought B.B. King’s cd ...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
When Clean Isn't
May 11th, 2022
Why do showers and bathtubs need to be cleaned?The thought obsessed me as a child. One of my early chores was to clean the showers and tub in our house. Why? It made no sense. The core collective of m...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Why an Overturn of Roe V. Wade Would be Just the Beginning
May 4th, 2022
I woke up this morning to a string of texts and emails. In a digital instant, the American population was told in advance of an upcoming landmark decision by the highest court in the land. The leak wa...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
The Long Road of the Valley
April 27th, 2022
Why does God allow us to stay in a place of suffering for extended periods of time? Is God good? Is it about my sin, or is something else going on? Does he even care or hear me? These are just a porti...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Gospel Safety
April 20th, 2022
If there were one word to describe your relationship with Jesus, what word would you use? If there were one word that could sum up how you feel when encountering the truth of the Gospel hope, what wor...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Life to the Full
April 6th, 2022
I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10Recently, within a matter of one week, I had the sacred privilege of celebrating the lives of two wonderful followers of Jesus. J...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
A Winsome Faith in a Cancel Culture
March 30th, 2022
“Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful” Mark 10:22Everywhere we turn, our world is becoming more polarized. There is very little space for the mindful Christian to consider the complexity...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
The Truth about Deconstruction
March 23rd, 2022
The word “deconstruction” is thrown around in today’s culture. Usually, when it’s talked about in the world of the “Church,” it carries a negative connotation, while when used in our cultural moment o...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Discipline, Habit, Passion
March 16th, 2022
I took piano lessons for ten years. Chill out, I don't know what you are thinking… but I'm really not that good. I can remember in 4th or 5th grade, something clicked for me. One day I walked into the...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle
March 9th, 2022
Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against ...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
Under Pressure — What Anxiety Tells Us
March 1st, 2022
No longer are we talking about anxiety within the counseling room only. It is a persistent conversation amongst the church and the culture. Years ago, it was seen as a broken piece of you, stigmatized...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
New Mission
March 1st, 2022
God wants to take your everyday, average life and tell an incredible story.I believe that’s true.So, let’s read it again… God wants to take your everyday, average life and tell an incredible story.We ...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
New Family
March 1st, 2022
In August of 1998, I packed everything that I would carry with me into the next season of my life into a banged-up Toyota Camry and set off along I-40 West on my way to seminary in San Francisco. I di...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles
New Person
March 1st, 2022
Wow…I didn’t yell…I had heard the crash and ran to the kitchen to find Cash, one of my four-year-old twin sons, staring at the mess at his feet. The evidence was everywhere. A mission of espionage gon...  Read More
by Fellowship Articles