The Gospel Through 1,000 Small Moments
The Gospel Through 1,000 Small Moments
Article by Sarah Scott
I became a believer the summer I turned 20 years old. I was at home in Memphis for the summer, and my friend Olivia was spending her summer at a camp in Missouri. She invited me to do Beth Moore’s study on David with her, so once a week, we would chat on the phone about that week’s work.
I had come home from college feeling exhausted in every way- physically, emotionally, spiritually. Chasing after the gods of comfort and independence had only left me wanting. But I felt there was no place for me with Jesus. My sins were too much.
And so I studied King David, reluctantly but also desperately, hoping so much for a life that didn’t feel quite as sad as the one I was living. Hoping that somewhere in these pages, there would be an answer- does this gospel have room for me, a broken 20-year-old?
I had come home from college feeling exhausted in every way- physically, emotionally, spiritually. Chasing after the gods of comfort and independence had only left me wanting. But I felt there was no place for me with Jesus. My sins were too much.
And so I studied King David, reluctantly but also desperately, hoping so much for a life that didn’t feel quite as sad as the one I was living. Hoping that somewhere in these pages, there would be an answer- does this gospel have room for me, a broken 20-year-old?
Praise the Lord that King David was the perfect example of an imperfect man used by a holy God. As I read about David, Bathsheba, and Uriah, the Lord whispered the truth my heart had longed to hear: “You can never be too far from me.”
Many of us have an Olivia.
That person who, through their faithfulness, led us to Jesus.
She studied the Bible with me from 300 miles away.
That fall, Olivia showed up in the lobby of my dorm every week to lead a Bible study.
She invited me to ice cream and on walks.
She laughed at my dumb jokes and drove me to the grocery store.
She spoke the name of Jesus over and over again.
She shared the gospel with me by sharing her life with me.
That person who, through their faithfulness, led us to Jesus.
She studied the Bible with me from 300 miles away.
That fall, Olivia showed up in the lobby of my dorm every week to lead a Bible study.
She invited me to ice cream and on walks.
She laughed at my dumb jokes and drove me to the grocery store.
She spoke the name of Jesus over and over again.
She shared the gospel with me by sharing her life with me.
Sharing the gospel can sound like a big event.
But, for most of us, I can imagine that the gospel was shared through 1,000 small moments.
Very few of us will have a large platform (or a desire to stand on a stage).
But all of us will have a Sarah. Someone in your life who desperately needs you to show up in the small ways. Someone who needs you to remind them of the truth about Jesus. He is good. He is just. He is merciful.
But all of us will have a Sarah. Someone in your life who desperately needs you to show up in the small ways. Someone who needs you to remind them of the truth about Jesus. He is good. He is just. He is merciful.

Pastor of Connections and Women’s Ministry