The Scandal of the Cross
March 20th, 2024
Article by Greg Pinkner The passage of 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16 is often summarized by theologians as “the scandal of the Cross.” “Scandal?,” some might ask, “isn’t it the Glory of God?” Two things can...  Read More
The Gospel Through 1,000 Small Moments
December 20th, 2023
Article by Sarah Scott I became a believer the summer I turned 20 years old. I was at home in Memphis for the summer, and my friend Olivia was spending her summer at a camp in Missouri. She invited me...  Read More
Fellowship Audubon Society
September 13th, 2023
Article by Matt Scheuneman On a recent Sunday, I spoke with a group that was walking through our Trellis book. I was asked to speak on the practice of Gathering. Honestly, it wasn’t easy to know how t...  Read More
Gathering: The Acts 2 Church
June 22nd, 2023
Article by Sarah Scott At our most recent Trellis night, we practiced Gathering. The most familiar of the Trellis practices, gathering is something as a church we do on a weekly basis.Every Sunday, we...  Read More
Slow. Small. Quiet.
June 14th, 2023
Article by JC Neely My soul, be quiet before God, for from him comes my hope.Psalm 62:5Last weekend, My wife and I snuck away with some of our friends. You won’t be surprised, but there are three word...  Read More
May 31st, 2023
Article by Brent Crenshaw I love summer. I run to it undignified and grill the fattened calf each year upon its prodigal return. Night drives, dusk on the lake, the Coppertone-chlorine scent after a d...  Read More
Your Stories of Generosity
May 25th, 2023
At our last Trellis Night on generosity, a donor came forward wanting to prompt generosity. They'd provided $50 to every person at our Trellis Night to be generous in some way this month.Here are some...  Read More
Letters to Mom
May 14th, 2023
Article by Matt Scheuneman “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.” – Lamentations 3:21Over the past several weeks, I have emphasized the importance of remembering and reminding each othe...  Read More
A Night of Generosity
May 10th, 2023
Article by Stacey Tafao Not a single Trellis Night goes by that I fail to find myself encountering a wild hopefulness carried by those in our body. In March, when we spent time exploring the manifold ...  Read More
Evil Must Be Called Evil
April 19th, 2023
Article by Greg Pinkner Woe to those who call evil good  and good evil,        who put darkness for light  and light for darkness,        who put bitter for sweet  and sweet for bitter!     Isaiah 5:2...  Read More
A Voice Is Heard In Nashville
March 29th, 2023
Article by R.D. McClenagan Yet again...“A voice is heard in Nashville, lamentation and bitter weeping.Mothers weeping for their children, refusing to be comforted,Because they are no more.”Chad Scrugg...  Read More
Prayer is for the Desperate, Not the Disciplined
March 15th, 2023
Article by Brian Hughes If we were to poll our church body on what Spiritual practice they wish they were “better at,” I’m willing to put my money on that practice being prayer. I’ve never met a singl...  Read More