
Marriage & Family

We partner with families as they reflect the gospel in their homes and throughout the community.


We believe marriage is meant to be a sign and wonder pointing the world to God's goodness.

  • Marriage Innovators is a 7-week class providing a Biblically-grounded overview of how to build and sustain a lifelong, strong marriage. Click here for more information.
  • Ready to invest in your marriage through a retreat? Fellowship Church recommends FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember and WinShape's Marriage Retreats.
    • Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember will help you work toward being, and staying, one. Join other Fellowship Church couples at the upcoming Chattanooga Weekend to Remember (September 22-24), or click here for a full list of locations and dates. Make sure to add code FellowshipKnoxville under Group Name.
    • WinShape offers three-day Marriage Retreats and Romantic Adventures at their retreat center in Rome, GA, creating space for couples to experience Biblical teaching and worship, relax, and reconnect with one another. Additionally, they offer Refresh & Renew Retreats for ministry leaders.
  • Getting married? Click here for more information.
  • Need more information? Contact Krista at


We believe God empowers parents to direct their children's hearts to Him and uses families to uniquely reveal the fullness of His character.

  • Raise Up is a community of believers looking to Biblical truths to shape how they raise their kids. The weekly content covers various topics and targets parents of children from birth to 18 years old. For more information, click here or contact Raise Up leadership at
  • We have ministries serving kids, middle schoolers (MSM), and high schoolers (HSM). You can find more information at the links provided above.

Contact Us

Krista Elmore

Ministry Assistant for Adult Disciple-Making