
Middle School

Inviting the Next Generation to Take Their Next Steps with Jesus

About Middle School Ministry 

Our mission is to invite the next generation to take their next steps with Jesus. We believe that every Middle Schooler has a next step to take, whether it's putting their faith in Jesus, learning how to read their Bible, choosing to be baptized, joining a Life Group, or even just being willing to show up to church. We want to help each student discover what their next step is, and take it, while having tons of fun!

Upcoming Events


9:15 - 10:15am | Student Building
Join us for an opportunity to dig deeper into your faith and into the gospel story. We will meet one Sunday a month to  intentionally unpack deep biblical truths. This school year, we will be learning about God’s pursuit of man in the midst of corruption by looking at the complete story of the Old Testament from Genesis all the way to Malachi.

January 12 - History of Isreal Part 2
February 2 - Wisdom Literature
March 9 - Major Prophets
April 13 - Minor Prophets

Life Groups

Life Groups in MSM meet on Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm in homes around Knoxville. Groups consist of 2-3 leaders and 8-12 students, and are grade and gender specific. Life Groups are an important part of our ministry because we believe that true transformation happens in community.

If you have a student interested in joining a Life Group, please contact Carleen Cuthell.

MSM on Sundays

Middle School Ministry meets every week on Sunday at 11:00am for MSM. We would love for you to join us in the Student Ministry Worship Center for community, fun, worship, and teaching!


DWELL 2025

March 28-30
Cost $50

The purpose of Dwell is to immerse your student in the story of Scripture through creative means. This year, we will be telling the story of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation by using 6 keys ideas that shape the narrative: Creation, Rebellion, Covenant, Christ, Spirit, and Restoration.

Serve With Us

Life Group Leader

Our LifeGroup leaders disciple and lead a group of 8-12 students of the same grade and gender. LifeGroups meet 3 Wednesday evenings a month in homes around town. 

Next Team

Welcome | Café | Events
Our NextTeam serves MSM by creating a welcoming and safe environment for students on Sunday mornings and special events. No matter the role, NextTeam leaders help to create the space for students to take their next step with Jesus. 

Application Process

1. Complete the application below
2. Interview with high school staff member
3. Background check
4. SafeKIDS program*
*We take our responsibility to care for our students very seriously. Our SafeKIDS protection guidelines are intended to create a safe and nurturing culture where students can come to a growing relationship with Jesus. All volunteers are required to complete our SafeKIDS training prior to serving.

FSM Parents

The FSM Team is here to partner with you in the discipleship of your student as they take their next steps with Jesus. Below are some resources to help you start conversations around weekly meetings, life groups, and daily life.

Our Fellowship Student Ministries Team

Stay Connected!

We have several ways for you to stay connected with everything happening in MSM.  

Social Media

On our social media accounts you will find posts with gatherings & event information and special information.


Our newsletter is sent out to parents at the beginning of each month with all the information for things coming up in MSM.  If you are not already on our email list,  please contact Emma at!


Occasionally, important information regarding MSM is texted.  Make sure you have texting enabled by emailing Emma at if you wish to receive these messages.