
Women's Groups

Moms & More (Monday AM)
Mondays  |  9:30 - 11:45 AM
Group Leader  |  Sarah Scott
Location  |  Fellowship Church

Moms & More is a community of moms that meets weekly during the fall & spring semesters. We learn from various teachers and discuss the challenges of being a mom, wife, and Christ-follower in small groups. Our small groups are designed after the Titus 2:4 concept of older moms coming alongside younger moms to encourage them. Our teachings provide a biblical perspective on parenting, marriage, and individual growth in the midst of the challenges of a growing family. This is a season of life that is filled with unknowns and often exposes our need for God and each other. We desire to be a nurturing community that equips moms to love as God has designed.

Registration opens January 16
Registration >>
Childcare Registration >>

Questions? Contact Sarah Scott at
Adoptive & Foster Moms (Monday AM)
[ Will Resume Meeting January 13 ]

Mondays  |  9:30 - 11:30 AM
Group Leaders  |  Mary Bruer, Chante Hensley, Mary Stump
Location  |  Fellowship Church

This is a support group for families who are fostering, have adopted, or are waiting to adopt. We will read a devotional surrounding adoption or foster care each week and break into small groups for discussion. We aim to support, pray for, encourage, and point each other towards Christ in this lifelong journey of caring for children from hard places.  The content stands alone week to week, so we encourage anyone to come whenever they are able.

Registration >>

Questions? Contact Chante Hensley at or Mary Stump at
Precept Upon Precept (Tuesday AM)
[ Will Resume Meeting January 21]

Tuesdays  |  9:30 AM -12:00 PM
Group Leaders | Jackie Abercrombie, Toni Broyles, Patti Schiesswohl, Linda Short
Location  |  Fellowship Church

We are a community of women that loves digging into the Word. Join us in this 11 lesson Precept Upon Precept Inductive Bible Study as we continue in the book of Hebrews. In this section of Hebrews, we will discover what the Bible says about Jesus, our High Priest, as well as the tabernacle, covenants, sacrifices, and the heroes of faith. We will see how Jesus is better, the perfect example of faith, and how we can apply these lessons apply to our lives.

There are two workbooks to order from Precept Ministries: Hebrews Part 2 and Hebrews Part 3. The total cost is $36.98 plus tax and shipping. Please order the workbook prior to class and come with the first lesson's homework done.

Registration >>

Questions? Contact Toni Broyles at or (865) 382-8871.
Living a Supernatural Life, Naturally (Tuesday AM)
[ Will Resume Meeting February 11 ]

Tuesdays  |  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Group Leaders  |  Linda Morgan, Janet McLean
Location  |  Fellowship Church

As we continue the Living a Supernatural Life Naturally series, we will be studying the topic of our Inheritance in Christ, understanding our inheritance and what the names of God mean for us. Have you ever wondered: What is your inheritance? What is the Bible talking about when it mentions rewards? How do we leave an inheritance? How do I know God more intimately in the process? If you want to connect with other women and have a strong prayer support group, we invite you to join us.

Registration >>

Questions? Contact Linda Morgan at
Discover the Treasures of God's Word through Inductive Bible Study (Tuesday PM)
[ Will Resume Meeting January 14 ]

Tuesdays  |  6:30 - 8:30 PM
Group Leader  |  Sherry Cates
Location  |  Fellowship Church

Have you ever wanted to know how to dig into the Word of God for yourself, to be able to stand with confidence because you have learned how to rightly handle the treasure of His Word? This class is designed to teach you the Bible skills you need so that you will be able to discover what God’s Word says, what it means, and how you should apply that knowledge to your own life. The following books are needed for this study:
- NASB Scripture Study Notebook: Colossians & Philemon
- How to Study Your Bible 

Registration >>

Questions? Contact Sherry Cates at or (865) 332-7445.
Prayer and Scripture (Tuesday AM)
[ Will meet January 28 - April 22, no meeting over Spring Break ]

Tuesdays  |  9:30am - 11:30am
Group Leader  |  JJ Green
Location  |  Fellowship Church

Join us as we study the books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John with Jen Wilkins Bible study book Abide.

Registration >>

Questions? Contact JJ Green at
Devotional Exercise (Thursday AM)
Thursdays  |  9:30 - 11:00 AM
Group Leader  |  Tara McIlrath
Location  |  Fellowship Church

This 1.5 hour exercise class is a form of worship that includes prayer and scripture meditation, as well as an opportunity to strengthen, tone and increase flexibility of your physical body. All ability levels welcome. Please bring a Pilates mat and water bottle.

Please note: This class will not meet July 4 - August 8.

Questions? Contact Tara McIlrath at
SOLO: Widows Ministry (Thursday AM)
[ Will Resume Meeting January 9 ]

Monthly  |  1st Thursdays  |  10:00 AM
Group Leader  |  Debbie Cota
Location  |  Fellowship Church

SOLO (Sisters Out Loving Others) is a group for widows at Fellowship committed to pursuing formation in Christ through friendship, joy, and mutual encouragement. Each monthly meeting includes a devotional, a sharing time, prayer, and planning of monthly get-togethers outside of church.

Questions? Contact Debbie Cota at
Community for Divorced Women (Thursday PM)
1st and 3rd Thursday | 6:30pm
Location  |  Fellowship Church

The Community for Divorced Women is a group for women at Fellowship who are committed to supporting and encouraging each other after divorce.

Questions? Contact Megan Ryan at
Experiencing God (Thursday PM)
[ Begins Meeting January 30]

Thursdays  |  6:00 PM
Group Leader  |  Jackie Theg
Location  |  Fellowship C
Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again—or for the very first time—experience your Creator.
Please purchase a workbook prior to the first class. Available here.

Registration >>

Questions? Contact Jackie Theg at


Sarah Scott

Pastor of Women's Ministry