
More Ways to Watch

We've created some simple ways for you to view the service on Sunday and stay connected at Fellowship Church.

Apple TV App

You can find our Apple TV app by searching for "Fellowship Church Knoxville" in the App Store. In the app, you will be able to view the livestream and watch previous sermons.

Roku App

You can find our Roku App by searching for "Fellowship Church Knoxville" in the Channel Store. In the app, you will be able to view the livestream and watch previous sermons.

YouTube Live

Since most modern TVs have a YouTube app, we will also livestream the service on YouTube. To find our channel, open YouTube on your TV, and search for "Fellowship Church Knoxville."

Smartphone App

You can also watch the livestream on-the-go from our app. In the app, you will find sermons, podcasts, the livestream, upcoming events, and online giving in one easy to access location.