As He concluded the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus asked the "experts" in the law, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?"
"The one who had mercy on him," he replied.
"Go and do likewise."
In the story, we hear a heartbeat for what our new mission is: love, mercy, and service to our neighbor. We think, "I have to go as BIG as the Samaritan. I need to clothe others, heal their wounds and provide food and shelter for them." And the answer is yes, yes, we do.
Most of us don't find a man beaten by robbers lying in the middle of the street on our way to work in the morning. We know there are people who need help in our community, but we don't know how to connect with them. Where do we even start?
The answer is simple: one step at a time.
Our mobilization team is here to disciple you into taking this next step of faith with Jesus as He sends you on a new mission. We're involved in many areas, from serving in our city to all over the world.
Lisa decided her next step was to volunteer with us providing free groceries to our friends in The Pines Community. The Pines is an apartment complex just over the hill from our church. You've probably passed it if you've turned at the Phillips 66 Station and driven down Francis Road. It may look like any other apartment complex with tan vinyl-sided buildings packed onto a lot, but this community is different.
The Pines is a beautiful tapestry of people from cultures all over the world. There are refugees from Iraq, Jordan, Iran, and Afghanistan.
So, for Lisa and her four children, helping our guests with their groceries became an experience of connecting with neighbors who've lived many different stories than their own.
One day, Lisa was delivering groceries to a woman who wasn't physically able to leave her house. As she helped with her groceries, Lisa heard more about this woman's story and struggles. Leaving the apartment, Lisa felt the spirit stir in her heart to go back and pray for this woman, but the moment passed, and she made her way back home.
That night, Lisa couldn't shake what she'd felt. She'd been given a next step, and she knew in her heart she was being invited towards something deeper. So, the next day, she went back. She found the woman's apartment and knocked on the door, and when the woman answered, Lisa said, "Can I pray with you?" They spent an afternoon praying together and talking.
The Lord told us what mercy for our neighbors looks like. The mercy of the Samaritan reaches so far and wide for the man in need, and for us, it seems a daunting task to "go and do likewise." Friends, it starts with one step. For Lisa, it was volunteering to help pass out groceries. We can't wait to hear what Lisa's next step is now that she's made a more profound friendship. We also can't wait to hear what next steps you are being led to take.