
Reading Scripture

"And as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and He stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to Him..."
Luke 4:16-17
Scripture is the written Word of God. Containing 66 individual books—39 Old Testament and 26 New Testament books—it was written in three languages by 40 different authors over 1500 years.

Written by kings, shepherds, pastors, fishermen, and soldiers, these authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit to tell God's unfolding story throughout history as one unified story. Through Scripture, we learn who God is, His character and nature, how He interacts with His creation, and His purpose in revealing Himself to all people.

God progressively reveals Himself to us for our spiritual formation and transformation. And, as we allow His story to shape ours through the power of the Holy Spirit, we come face-to-face with the living God.

Reading Scripture is a keystone habit for Believers. It's a practice that creates a chain reaction for other spiritual formation practices. If there is one practice to which you continually return, let it be that of reading Scripture.


Going Deeper

Further Reading on the Practice
Read the Bible for a Change: Understanding and Responding to God's Word
by Ray Lubeck

In this book, Ray Lubeck helps readers correctly understand and relate the Bible to their lives. If you are serious about your relationship with God and committed to responding faithfully to His Word, this book is for you.

Listen in

The Trellis Audiobook
The Trellis is available in audiobook format online for those that want to listen on-the-go.

Through Scripture, we learn who God is, His character and nature, how He interacts with His creation, and His purpose in revealing Himself to all people.