
About The Produce Pantry

At Fellowship, we support and work with food pantries in The Pines and Lonsdale. Both communities are in food deserts, meaning that these are areas where it is a struggle for low-income families to get affordable and healthy foods. Because of the lack of food across the country and the increase in food pricing, our pantries have had a significant drop in donations. As this shortage continues, we believe we can step into that gap. Join us in serving our neighbors by donating produce or contributing financially.

How Can You Serve?

1. Bring Produce – We need volunteers to sign up to bring in fresh produce to our Produce Pantry the third Sunday of each month.
2.  Volunteer to Collect – We need volunteers to sign up to help serve at the Produce Pantry on third Sundays by collecting food and putting it in the appropriate place for delivery.
3. Give – If you would like to contribute financially, we have a special account here at Fellowship dedicated to food shortages like this.
The Produce Pantry is now open. We will collect fresh produce on the third Sunday of every month. It will be in the lobby before, during, and after both services.

What is needed?
Fresh vegetables, fruit, and herbs that are in good condition and can last for up to 7 days before being delivered to our local pantries.
Who to contact?
Email Kyle Landis at with questions.