
A Living Sacrifice

Oct 11, 2020    RD McClenagan

RD preaches on Romans 12:3-5, the body. He first looks at Leviticus 1:1-5, 9, to show what a sin burnt offering is. RD conveys that we are to offer up our whole life to God, not so that God will love us or save us, but in thanksgiving for what He's already done. He stresses that it's a living sacrifice, meaning it's ongoing and constant.

RD transitions into talking about God's vision for how we should flourish is for us to be together and use our spiritual gifts; God is not looking for casual spectators in His Kingdom, RD says, instead we are called to use our gifts to further the Kingdom. RD explains that we all have different spiritual gifts that make up the whole body, and we need all the parts and gifts. RD then takes time to go through the different gifts and reminds us that we cannot live on the fruit of someone else's vine. He ends by expressing that being a living sacrifice will cost you something, but not nearly as much as it cost Christ.