
Family Dedication

An opportunity for parents to commit their home life and the raising of their children to the Lord

about family dedication

While we practice a believer’s baptism and only baptize those who have personally chosen to follow Jesus, we also recognize the tradition of dedication. This tradition is derived from several passages of Scripture including Hannah’s giving of Samuel to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:20-28) and Joseph’s & Mary’s consecration of the child Jesus (Luke 2:22-38).

We believe God calls parents, not the church, to be the primary spiritual influence in a child's life. The church’s function is to support and augment this God-given role. We are privileged to honor families and encourage parents in this role through the celebration of Family Dedication.

Family Dedication presents an opportunity for parents to commit their home life and the raising of their children to the Lord. It is a time to dedicate a child to God and to ask Him to open the child’s spiritual eyes to receive His free gift of salvation through Christ. It also serves as an opportunity for the extended spiritual family of faith to commit to supporting and encouraging the family along their journey of parenthood.

While this is similar to a baby dedication, we believe Family Dedication is more inclusive and reflective of all who participate in this spiritually significant moment—parents, kids (of all ages), and their extended spiritual family.

Interested in Family Dedication?