
Church Advancement

Church Advancement partnerships typically last three years.  During that time, our Mobilization Staff is in regular contact with the pastor and leaders of the international church plant.  We want to be a partner and resource to help them care for the under-served and reach the lost in their community.  There are many cultural differences across the globe and it’s exciting to support a pastor and new church as they begin their journey and grow together as community and spiritual leaders.  

Fellowship Church currently has two international Church Advancement partnerships – Jinotepe, Nicaragua and Tijuana, Mexico.    

Efren and Miriam Rodrigues (Tijuana, Mexico)

 Efren grew up in San Jose, California. As a young man, he fell in with the wrong people and was arrested for drug possession. He was taken to military prison, where he met a man who told him about Jesus. After his release from prison, he attended a small church close to his home and was baptized there.  
A few years after becoming a Christian, he moved to Modesto, California. Efren recalls it this way, “While I lived there, I deviated from the gospel.” During this time in his life, he worked in a body and paint shop and met a client looking for someone to do a lot of car painting. He didn’t know government officials were following this client. There was a raid on the client, and Efren was also arrested because of the business relationship. Efren was convicted of conspiracy and was sentenced to six years in prison. It was during this incarceration that his ministry began.  
Many of his fellow inmates suffered from depression and anxiety. He started doing Bible studies, and people began calling him pastor, but he thought this was simply a nickname. He knew God was calling him but had no idea what that would look like. He didn’t realize God was preparing him for full-time ministry and to be a shepherd pastor to many in Tijuana. Efren was transferred to the Lompoc, California federal prison, and there was ordained as an interim pastor.  
Efrén Marin is an enthusiastic, hard-working church planter in Tijuana. In partnership with La Roca Ministries, he has planted three churches in Tijuana and has started another in Sonora, Mexico. He recruits pastors and provides seminary training so that new churches have pastors ready to go. His wife of 22 years and two kids are frequently at his side for services and ongoing construction projects. The churches have great body life, Bible-based teaching, and wonderful worship. Fellowship is excited about working with Efrén and La Roca.
To learn more about Efren’s church planting ministry, or to give, contact Julie Carr in our Mobilization department at

Nestor and Cesia Guido (Jinotepe, Nicaragua)

Nestor grew up in Santa Teresa, Carazo, Nicaragua, as a pastor’s kid. At 6 years old, he went to a small Bible class close to his house. That’s where he remembers Jesus calling him to follow. Like many teens and young adults, Nestor experienced moments when he was far from God. But God is gracious and showed Nestor that the Holy Spirit was always with him, calling him back to relationship with Him.
Nestor and Cesia met in September 2015, and Cesia boldly decided to send Nestor a Facebook friend request. Nestor wanted to get to know Cesia, so after friending her on Facebook, he immediately texted her! They were married in July 2021, and the rest is history.
In the early 2020’s, Nestor was serving in his father’s church. he felt as if God wanted him to do “more”, but Nestor had a plan for his life. He studied English and worked in a call center for 5 years to provide for Cesia, his new bride. Nestor's job required him to be bilingual. He will tell you that he didn’t like studying English, but something pushed him to keep learning. His plan included building their home, finding a part-time job, and working part-time in ministry. But as we know, God works in mysterious ways, and Nestor’s plan was turned upside down.
In 2023, Nestor said, “I was praying to God, and He talked to my heart and told me my purpose was to plant a new church!"  God said to him, “I’ve been preparing you. This is the reason you studied English and why I sent you a wife to push you to study the Bible more.”  God, in His divine plan, introduced Fellowship Church to them through our Fellowship missionaries, Stan & Tamera Johnson.  
Nestor and Cesia are two of the most delightful young adults you will ever meet. Their singular focus of sharing the love of Jesus and teaching others to love Him is amazing to watch. They have started a small church in the Pan American Roasters facility. Cesia is a lead barista at the coffee shop and uses her job to be the light and love of Jesus every day. While there are hurdles and obstacles to overcome, God is gracious to them.  
If you want to know more about Iglesia Biblica Gracia y Verdad Church (Biblical Church of Grace and Truth), Nestor and Cesia, or to give to their church, contact Julie in our Mobilization Department at


Julie Carr

Coordinator of Church Multiplication