return gifts to the Conference Center on December 1, 8, or 15
Fellowship's Angel Tree Christmas outreach is one way we bless our Fellowship Missionaries and Ministry Partners locally and globally. Our hope is that by participating, you will learn more about them and consider new ways to serve and give throughout the year. By giving gifts through Angel Tree, you are tangibly expressing the love of Jesus and reflecting the greatest gift God has given.
This year, our Angel Tree outreach will give you two options to provide gifts:
Physical Tags
If you would like to choose a physical angel tree tag, you will find trees in the North and South Lobbies beginning November 24. Instructions for returning the gifts are on each tag.
Online Tags
If you prefer to choose your tags online, click here. Instructions for returning the gifts will be included in your confirmation email after choosing your gifts.
We will have the same selection of gifts on the physical trees and online.
Each Fellowship Missionary and Ministry Partner is listed, and each gift was chosen by these ministries. Once you have made your gift selections, simply return them on December 1, 8, or 15. Our Angel Tree collection will be in the North lobby at the entrance to the Conference Center. With your help, we will provide over 800 gifts this year!
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Carr at jcarr@fellowshipknox.org or Betsy Germann at betsy.germann@fellowshipknox.org.
Merry Christmas from our Mobilization Team!