

"Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, 'Lord, teach us to pray…'"
Luke 11:1
God is always working and has joyfully chosen prayer as how we can participate with Him in His work.

Prayer is the work of the church. In Matthew 21:13, Jesus declared: “My house will be called a house of prayer.” Prayer is how your lost friends and family are saved, strongholds are broken, and the Kingdom of God advances.

Prayer anchors us to the reality that God can do “far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine.” Prayer helps us recall this reality when we might otherwise become cynical, forming us into people who “hope all things.” Prayer also helps us avoid an overly fatalistic view of God’s sovereignty and reminds us that God is both sovereign and longs to partner with His people.


Going Deeper

Further Reading on the Practice
How To Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People
by Pete Greig

Is prayer the most challenging area of your Christian journey? It doesn’t have to be. Pete Greig, one of the founders of 24-7 Prayer International, is passionate about introducing people to simple, honest, relevant conversations with God.

Listen in

The Trellis Audiobook
The Trellis is available in audiobook format online for those that want to listen on-the-go.

In this chapter, we learn prayer, at its simplest, is communicating with God. Here we unpack a few important truths about the practice of prayer.

Trellis Nights

March  5   |  5:00pm
Jesus said, "Follow me." At Trellis Nights, we will take our next steps together toward following Him. Our evenings will be focused on a practice of spiritual formation. We'll eat, worship, and learn experientially as we seek to close the gap between what we believe and who we are becoming in Christ. Our Trellis Night on "Prayer" is March 5.